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About Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group
Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group is a national firm specializing in localized data, strategic information, and measurable solutions. We are renowned nationally for our diverse, high-impact projects across the United States since our founding in 2006. Our clients and partners include:

Grassroots Community and Civic Organizations

Government Entities
City, State, County, Region

Many fund our community
impact projects or need help
assessing their internal grant
portfolios and strategic plans

Healthcare, Hospital,
Insurance, & Other
Wellness Systems

Major International Actors
With a Focus in the US

Small & Large For-profit
& Non-profit Ventures

Grocers & Other Actors Launching,
Maintaining, & Expanding
Traditional & New Grocery Formats

Faith-based Projects
We have collaborated with the Institute of Medicine of the Academy of the Sciences,
the Urban Institute, Harvard, MIT, the National YMCA, and many other organizations.
We help local leaders create healthy, prosperous, equitable, and engaged
We help businesses do well and do good.
We are a full-service, wholly owned female enterprise that custom designs and
executes each project to meet our clients’ unique needs and strategic questions.
With our passion, strategic insights, perseverance, commitment, and
practical know-how, we help our clients change their worlds for the better.

Keep Scrolling Down for Fun Facts About Us!
Many people ask: What motivated you to launch your own research and consulting firm? How did you develop an interest in improving local markets and quality of life?

Mari Gallagher’s Story
Many people ask: What motivated you to launch your own research and consulting firm? How did you develop an interest in improving local markets and quality of life?
Even when just a kid growing up in Chicago, I had an entrepreneurial spirit fed by practical math and the physics of everyday life. I wasn’t necessarily interested in money for its own sake, but I did wonder how the market worked. And I liked to take things apart to reassemble and improve them. Not sure about the extent of my MacGyver skills or if my parents fully appreciated these endeavors. But it was sure fun.
During the spring and summer of my ninth year, I had an egg route. Unusual but true. Our close family friends lived about an hour away on a farm with a wide variety of animals and a few dozen chickens. The eggs they shared were so much better than the ones from the store. At some point, I hatched the crazy idea that I could start my own egg delivery business. I went door-to-door throughout my neighborhood taking egg orders and, a week later, would personally deliver them. Fresh from the farm! Made enough money to invest in a red skateboard, which sped up delivery. My favorite pastimes, though, were climbing trees and building elaborate forts out of cardboard with friends. At 12, I went to chess camp, the only girl. I entered a special “magnet” high school (before that was even a thing) with a science/engineering concentration that included machine shop, welding, and three years of drafting. What I missed, though, were languages and a deeper social science exploration. By college, that interest took me to Latin America for a few semesters, where I learned Spanish, and in graduate school, I majored in planning and community development. My curiosity about how the market worked and how the world could improve never went away; it only grew.
My early career in community revitalization was colorful. One project concerned an old building in the heart of South Chicago. Though still beautiful, its stoop was a gathering place for public drinking, shooting-up, knife fights, and worse. The retail tenant was a liquor store that bustled with business day and night despite its run-down condition. The second- and third-floor apartments were vacant and uninhabitable. The top floor was once a glorious dance hall; all that remained was a broken piano.
Our vision was affordable housing and attractive retail to anchor the street. Scraping together the money for the acquisition was challenging. Next, we tried to buy out the liquor store, but the owner had an airtight lease and wouldn’t budge. The cost of rehab was astronomical compared to our rent structure. I was working on construction financing when the news came: vandals set fire to the piano. I ran down the street. What I witnessed amazed me.
Firefighters. Tall flames. Enormous blasts of water. Yellow tape. Yet the liquor store never closed during the fire. Customers continued to enter and make purchases; a single can of beer or small bottle of whiskey to get through the morning. This is the essence of what we were up against: the liquor store and its many attractions weren’t pretty, but the economics sure did work. The MacGyver in me came alive. Surely, we could find a way to fix this.
Our problems were bigger than what this one project could address. Yet my years in the trenches taught me an important lesson: some battles we win, some battles we lose, but every project matters. What was missing was the data and information to navigate the best path forward. How much does one project matter vs. another project? Could we use this information to make more strategic decisions? I helped design and implement a variety of initiatives, big and small, throughout this stage of my professional life: feeding the homeless, community health programs, workforce and business development, and building a 75-million-dollar shopping center at the second busiest transportation hub in the city that also included a full-service grocery store and an on-site community construction jobs program with a hard-to-get-into union that didn’t really want a community jobs program. At least not at first. The grocery store was a huge success; the community only had one other quality grocer, but it had closed. But the whole project was so hard and took so long, in large part because we lacked the data and information that demonstrated proof of concept. There were multiple agendas, yet very few facts.
My transition to research instilled in me the value of neutrality. Reliable, trusted, and timely data and information illuminate reality and options more clearly. A neutral analysis also offers a safe zone where actors with competing interests can band together for shared positive change as well as to advance their own agenda. Through this lens, we can calculate how much each project matters and direct resources, market investments, and policy to locations with the highest measurable returns. We can create baselines and track progress.
This is why I left the trenches and went back to the fundamentals of what math and science can teach us. Not to embrace these disciplines exclusively from an ivory tower, but to blend them with ground-floor practicalities of how the world works and how it could work better. I became the managing director of a new two-year pilot initiative called Emerging Markets, where I developed below-the-radar analysis on buying power, leakage, and new commercial opportunities across undervalued markets. In that capacity, I worked with the top leadership of major corporations, such as Home Depot, State Farm Insurance, Bank of America, Crate & Barrel, and Payless Shoes, as well as small, independent, nimble entrepreneurs, not only to gain qualitative insights about their particular market indicators and potential proxies but to analyze their actual data individually and collectively to determine how markets could work better. One of the independent entrepreneurs owned a $30 million computer and technology company, but, as it turned out, he was beginning to experience the first signs of trouble. After I wrapped up my two-year pilot commitment, he hired me as his new turn-around CEO. My first order of business was to sell off the mobile phone rental line because mobile rental had no real future; times were changing. And that brought me back again to the need for reliable data, information, and strategies in a world that just keeps spinning faster. Why get hit by a storm if you can instead see it coming and move out of the way? So, with the turn-around complete, I headed up a community development, government, and banking research division of a consulting group for five years. Finally, I launched my own firm to ensure the freedom to explore and deliver each project with full integrity.
We don’t believe in research assembly lines, shunting off key assignments to junior staff or vendors, slippery consultant speak (slick words and jargon that sound impressive but say nothing), or spinning results.
We’re not afraid to tell you what we find or what we think you need to know.
We’re here to help you see your world as it really is and change it for the better.
Click the topics below to view fun facts & downloads.
Grocery Access & Health Outcomes
- Our seminal report Examining the Impacts of Food Deserts on Public Health in Chicago motivated Congress to address food access inequity in the US Farm Bill!
- That Chicago report was sponsored by LaSalle Bank, now owned by Bank of America. LaSalle executives commissioned the work simply because they felt it was the right thing to do. An added surprise was when their external PR tracking firm informed them that the report generated $2 million worth of free publicity!
Download the original Chicago report here.
Download the Chicago executive summary here.
Download LaSalle’s branded Chicago brochure here.
LaSalle also commissioned a similar MG study for Detroit. Download here.
As a result of our work and the attention it directed to the issue, millions upon millions of dollars have been invested in under-served areas all across America. Our thought leadership and accessible and clear evidence created a national mandate to address the issue of food, health, nutrition education, and exercise. Many responded to our call for action, including the First Lady of the United States with her “Let’s Move” campaign!
Did you know that even though Mari’s advanced degree is in community and economic development and planning, her innovative health metrics earned her the position of Adjunct Associate Professor at Bouvé College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston by special appointment of the University President, while she continued running her firm from her base in Chicago?
Did you know that we are trusted to analyze sensitive data, including healthcare systems’ patient health records? And health insurance patient records? And K-12 student records? In Iowa, we found that our unique Food Balance assessment revealed a statistically significant link to students being a full GPA letter grade behind when “junk food stores” were very close and healthy options were comparatively much farther away? Students were also a half inch shorter, and adults had a higher incidence of diabetes, which is also a significant link accounting for other contributing factors, including parent income and education levels.
Our Unique Model & Scores for “Net Missing Meals”
- One of our latest innovations is a highly reliable “food insecurity” model called the Meal Deficit Metric. For Florida, MG’s first application, we partitioned the state into over 13,600 tiny geographies for which we generated statistically significant scores. We applied our model to the entire state four separate times. We “netted out” all ways all households of all income levels acquired any type of meals or groceries, including food pantries, government programs, school meals, and even help from friends and family! We have the most reliable and most localized model that makes solving hunger trackable. We send gratitude to Florida’s very own Robin Safley, who continues to inspire us through her work each day to solve hunger and to respond to needs resulting from weather disasters such as hurricanes.
- During the pandemic, we developed an employment disruption model that calculated the specific additional number of meals missed because households could not afford them and the specific locations where they were missed. We developed Hot Spot maps where seniors and children were most at risk and needed not only meals but masks and other protections from Covid.
- During times of hurricane crises, we conducted pro bono analysis tracking grocery stores that temporarily closed because of power outages and also identified the locations of the most vulnerable children and ways to reach and serve them.
Our Meal Deficit Metric model has been applied to the entire US and used by local leaders in many different urban, suburban, and rural locations.
To empower local leaders in the use of our Meal Deficit Metric model, we also conduct focus groups and surveys, support trackable county action plans, and engage stakeholders across many different sectors through information sharing and training and by inviting feedback and hands-on participation!
Grocer Expo, Neighborhood Markets, & Economic Development
- After the release of our Chicago food and health impact report, Mayor Richard M. Daley sent Mari a thank you note. They met, and she asked the mayor to co-chair a grocer expo, and he said yes! Mari raised all the money for the Expo. It attracted grocery CEOs from across the county as well as local independent grocers. Mari worked with the city to set up deal tables.
Download the Grocer Expo invitation here.
Our Meal Deficit Metric is part of our strategic geospatial system for which we maintain over 8,000 market and demographic variables!
Our custom market studies correct for errors in commercial datasets, and our hands-on, practical expertise helps counties, municipalities, and economic development officials launch strategies to reverse declining markets and improve quality of life and an enhanced sense of place.
We create models to analyze economic impacts and sales!
We create programs and strategies to help good grocers address the need for charitable meals and groceries within their market in a way that also helps the store boost customer loyalty and sales.
We assess all stores selling food, including dollar stores. If your major independent grocers closed or are at risk of closing, and dollar stores are dominating your market, we can help form a balancing strategy.
Clients have included large corporations such as ALDI, Walmart, Kraft, Whole Foods, and many more.
Clients also include small food ventures and co-ops. In Mississippi, we had the honor of supporting one of the oldest Black Farmer Co-ops that sought to open a grocery co-op.
Mari was the featured keynote for a national co-op conference in San Diego!
We supported ProMedica in Ohio with a health analysis on food access and a follow-up plan for a grocery store. Later, we conducted a customer survey to provide customer feedback to management.
We supported a Black-owned independent grocery platform operating 38 stores across 6 states by creating a model to 1) assess current sales, 2) predict future sales and stores in trouble, and 3) calculate the impact on sales form competitors and community conditions. We also assessed the social impact of a few new stores being considered to underserved areas of great need. In other words, aside from economic impacts, how would the new grocery offerings improve quality and length of life? Though our evidence-based approach, we helped the company obtain a $13 million subsidy.
Our work has been featured in documentaries and even a special report to Congress!